Residential snow removal is a customized specifically for each customer and each driveway. We can cater it to any of your needs. We do not offer salting for residential but we do offer city walk clearing!
We can set you up as a per visit, per monthly, or even pay for the entire winter up front with discounted rates!

We provide residential and commercial snow removal services for most all situations. We want to make sure your covered within 24 hours of when the snowfall stops. We can customize your plan to take care of your snow removal needs during the winter time a multitude of different ways to make sure you get the best pricing whilst still getting top notch service. We use state of the art equipment to make sure the job gets done right and efficiently!

Commercial snow is the only type of snow removal where we provide salting and can set up seasonal contracts. We know how critical it is to keep your customers safe when conducting business from place to place during the winter time. Our main goal is to provide a feeling of safety for all of our residential and commercial clients.

How much snowfall is needed for you to come out and take care of my driveway?
Our trigger amount for residential snow removal is 2 inches.
It has to snow at least 2 inches and then we start on residential driveways when the snow stops.
How soon can you go to my driveway?
The only guarantee we offer is to take care of your driveway within a 24 hour period after the snow stops. We prioritize the residential route to all the customers that pay for the whole winter season up front and all other customers are put in between to make sure we get to everyone within 24 hours.
What equipment do you use?
We use a diesel pick up truck with state of the art equipment. We are the only snow removal business to the best of our knowledge uses a backblade let alone a rubber cutting edge. We also have a normal front blade as another tool for snow removal. We have professional grade shovels with snowblowers as well for primarily sidewalk clearing.
How do you except payment and what are my payment options?
For residentials we offer a per shove rate/per visit rate, a monthly flat fee, or a paid in full option. To officially be put on our lists we have to make an account for you and get a deposit from you to secure your spot on the list. Deposits explained are, for per shove you deposit and pay for your first removal ahead of time, monthly deposit is your first month flat fee, and of course paid in full option everything is paid upfront. The discounts are best explained over the phone and would need to call us at 217-685-8750 to exercise all the discounts we have to offer.
How do you come up with a monthly flat fee and pay for the winter ahead of time when no one knows how much snow we are going to get?
We do this by looking at the average snow fall amount for our area and also look out how many removals that are typically done through the winter season at a 2 inch trigger point. We take the date over the past 10 years and we don’t aim high or even in the middle we actually price them conservatively below average plus discounts!
What are you considering the winter season is for Bloomington/Normal area?
We consider the winter season to be from December 15 through March 15. This is 3 months in total and that what your are paying for when signing up for the paid in full flat fee and or the monthly flat fee. It is rare that we do any removals or get any significant snow falls before or after those dates and if you are wanting any removals before or after those dates we resort to the per shove/per visit price point for you particular property.